Year Of Established: 2015
Our department was established in 2015 as integral part of the college. Initially subject was offered only at General/Program Course level. Keeping in mind the enrollment of student and importance of the subject, college offered the subject at Major level in 2023 from then our Department has been doing progress as a Department of Sociology as Major Discipline. Studying sociology provides a better understanding of the following: Reasons for social differences, including differences in social behavior. Reasons for the differentials in group opportunities and outcomes. The relevance of social hierarchies and social power in everyday life. The basic insight of sociology is that human behaviour is shaped by the groups to which people belong and by the social interaction that takes place within those groups.
Sociology is a relatively new science that emphasizes the scientific study of social relationships and social interactions. We know that science is generally of two types namely
Social Science: which analyzes the explanation of various social phenomena, such as history, political science, philosophy, economics etc.
Natural Science: which analyses the explanation of various natural phenomena, while physics, chemistry, biology, botany etc. With the evolution of society and civilization, various social sciences have emerged, but each social science focuses on a specific aspect of society. So as a result of this failure, Sociology emerged in the early 19th century by the French philosopher Auguste Comte in order to build links between different social sciences, whose main topic is the whole society as well as social phenomena. Sociology is the science that deals with society, It studies social systems, social order, and social relations through analytical and descriptive studies by applying different research methods. it helps students to understand society from a sociological perspective. Without the sociological perspective (which has been called the “sociological imagination”), people see the world through their limited experience of a small orbit of family, friends, co-workers. The sociological imagination allows us to stand apart mentally from our limited experience and see the link between private concerns and social issues. It permits us to trace the connection between the patterns and events of our own and the patterns and events of our society.
The Commerce Department has a dedicated room customized to its requirement with a Wall Magazine. Furthermore, there is a supporting Departmental Library; College Central Library with internet facilities; College WiFi; College canteen; lush green field incubating both the inquisitive young mind as well as fostering an extra-curricular activities as well as building an holistic healthy minds, inspiring the students to shine forth in society.
Intake Capacity : Total: 372
This college is affiliated to the Coochbehar Panchanan Barma University therefore, Board of Studies (BOS) prepare and framed the syllabus. This department follows the syllabi of University and classes are takes place accordingly. Besides the university syllabus, the students of this department are also engage with different co-curricular activities like- sports, NSS, cultural etc.
Sl.No. | Document Name | View / Download |
01 | Click the link to download Syllabus for UG CBCS. | ![]() |
02 | Click the link to download Syllabus for Four Year UG NCCF (NEP 2023) | ![]() |
At now, this department has two course-structures one is Under Graduate- Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), which is starting from academic year 2017-2018, and another one is Under Graduate- National Curriculum and Credit Framework, which is starting from academic year 2023-2024( under New Education Policy 2020). Both Structures has semester system. CBCS structure has 3 years degree course, whereas NCCF has 4 years degree course with research.
Sl.No. | Document Name | View / Download |
01 | UG Four Years. Regulation under NEP | ![]() |
02 | UG CBCS Course Structure | ![]() |
Sl.No. | Document Name | View / Download |
01 | Programme Outcomes - Dept. of Sociology | ![]() |
For the convenience of the students of the department, the necessary materials related to the subjects taught by them are provided by the department as much as possible. Besides, as the syllabus and syllabus books of each department of Dinhata College are in the central library of the college, the students of the department do not have any difficulty in getting the necessary books and reading the books.
Intra-departmental assessment which covers the Coochbehar Panchanan Bharma University curriculum for which a certain number of marks are allotted and is linked to the core credit of the course. So the Department of Sociology adopts different Procedure and methods in the end-of-department evaluation for the overall subject-wise development of the students. Among which are the assignment project class test group study viva.
The student strength of the Sociology Department being much lesser in comparison with other departments; nevertheless in light of the multi-disciplinary approach of the NEP, 2020 – the students of the Sociology Department regularly participates in the year-round Seminars and Workshops held in College by other Departments. Recently, the other Departmental students like those from History, Philosophy, English 7 Geography interacted with the Sociology faculties (Minor & MDC 1st & 2nd Semester, NCCF) and vice-versa Sociology students interacted with Philosophy, Bengali, History Sanskrit & Geography Department(MDC, Minor, SEC 1st & 2nd Semester, NCCF) through Departmental classes and Departmental Seminars, on a regular basis under the banner of the NEP, 2020. Beside this Sociology Department regularly organize student seminar for each semester student. It is a part of our continuous evaluation. Student participates actively in departmental seminar through writing subject topic which necessary part of their syllabus.